Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Artifact 2

Gale, Thomason. "Stem cells may replace animal testing." UPI NewsTrack (May 8, 2006): NA. Student Resource Center - Gold. Centennial High School. December 13, 2006. <>.

Even though this article may be really short, it answered one of the questions I asked myself earlier. This question was that why can't people just find something else to test their experiments on other than animals? The article answers this question: "German researchers say stem-cell testing can be used to replace hundreds of thousands of experiments on animals. "

"Animal welfare activists say they are happy when animals' lives can be saved, regardless of the number, but they emphasize that widespread testing on animals still continues, the newspaper said."

The article does say that regardless of how many animal lives could be saved through using stem cells, widespread animal testing will still exist.

But even considering that, at least this shows that people are trying to find ways to avoid animal testing and still be able to do this testing.

I think people should do a lot of research about these stem cells, so that we can start using those more and more for experiments instead of doing these tests on animals.

1. What exactly are these stem cells?
2. How come these stem cells can be used instead of animals?
3. If they can be used instead of animals, why doesn't everybody just test on that?

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