Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Artifact 7.

"Scientific Study of Primate Research - Call For Evidence." Scientific Study of Primate Research - Call For Evidence. January 23, 2007. <http://www.rds-online.org.uk/pages/news.asp?i_ToolbarID=6&i_PageID=1784>.

Scientific study on scientific study.

Dr Simon Festing, Director of RDS, said "The benefits from research using monkeys have been enormous, including the polio vaccine, infertility treatments and brain implants for Parkinson’s disease. But it is important to continually re-examine the need for this work. If this study can find novel technologies to reduce monkey use or minimise suffering then all researchers would welcome that."

Other than computer modelling, as an alternative, genetically modified mice are used, too.

Monkeys in research: facts
*Monkeys account for less than 1 in every 500 animal procedures in the UK.
*Great apes such as chimpanzees, orang utans and gorillas have not been used in UK research for at least 20 years.
*The monkeys used in UK reserach are mostly macaques and marmosets.
*About 3,000 monkeys are used in about 4,000 procedures every year in the UK.
*Some re-use is allowed if the monkeys have been used in mild procedures with no lasting ill-effects.
*Most monkeys are used in safety testing.

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